If not “fake” maybe “bad”?

After the Vice president created his own optics with a visit to a camp that is concentrating mostly Central American immigrants seeking refuge and one day before #ICEraids are set to start across the country, these hashtags were trending: #ThingsJesusNeverSaid & #FakeChristian

Just from an empathy perspective, his demeanor and conclusions seemed self-serving, political, and he (and his guests) didn’t engage in a way that seemed right for the situation. Clearly many felt the same way even if it was meant to have a different narrative based on his comments.

Thanks to the upside-down world we’re living in where “FAKE” now usually means real, or just something critical of you- I started to wonder if Bad or just Not Christian was more adequate. But, who are we to say what religion a person follows? After all, some were quick to label our previous president as a person of a completely different faith than he follows. We can however look at how much a religion is flaunted or used. Mike Pence uses it more than anyone I know, even in his position where separation of church and state should be exercised. What he’s been willing to not criticize in the President makes for a clear case of hypocrisy. Perhaps looking at what Christianity teaches, we can understand why these hashtags were immediately popular today.

Just some thoughts as I was reading and thinking about all this today:

Most men, women and children being concentrated in cages are #NativeAmerican & Christians (Because #Invasion #genocide #conversion #ByTheSword – Because they were labeled as less than human back then. Some called “Animals” even now)

The #13Colonies were formed to be free from The #ChurchofEngland

Mary, Joseph and Jesus were #Refugees, and even physically speaking, Jesus looks more like the people behind the fences than those who look like Vice President Mike Pence or Donald Trump.

You can look at it either way:

“whatever you DID for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you DID for me.”

“whatever you DID NOT DO for one of the least of these, you did NOT DO for me.”

More to the point: “When a foreigner resides with you in your land, you must not oppress him. You must treat the foreigner living among you as native-born and love him as yourself, for you were foreigners in the land of Egypt. I am the LORD your God. “

Ultimately it doesn’t matter what faith you follow- you can just be GOOD and kind to others. If you need a religion to help you with that- find it!